Investor Fact Sheet

Name: Tasmea Limited
Australian Business Number (ABN): 22 088 588 425
Australian Company Number (ACN): 088 588 425
Business Description: Maintenance, engineering and sustaining capital service provider
Business Established: 12 July 1999
Listings: The Australian Securities Exchange
Registered Office: 75 Verde Drive Jandakot WA 6164
Telephone: +61 8 8212 2929
Website: in new window
Board of Directors: Joe Totaro, Non-executive Chairman
Michael John Terlet AO, Non-executive Director
Kristie Peta Young, Non-executive Director
Stephen Elliott Youn, Managing Director
Mark Gabriel Vartuli, Executive Director
Jason Frank Pryde, Executive Director
Company Secretary: Simone Thompson, Chief Financial Officer
Auditor: Grant Thornton Audit Pty Ltd
Financier: Bank SA, a division of Westpac Banking Corporation
Share Registry: Link Market Services
Level 12, 680 George Street Sydney NSW 2000
+61 2 8280 7100